常见问题 (FAQ)
1. 建议在PC/电脑上付款2. 请用Google chrome browser
3. 如有问题请Logout and log in again.
4. 如果用Safari, 在Safari里面request desktop website。
5. 点击PayPal button后,下面有只用信用卡付款的选项(不需要PayPal 帐号)(但如果你只用信用卡付的次数多了,系统可能会要求你建立一个PayPal 帐户。尽管麻烦一点,但实际增加了您付款的安全性。谢谢)
注册常见问题 (注册用户、课程注册) (Registration and Enrollment Questions)
2. Youtube Demo
学校地址、教室地图 Address and Floor Map: https://www.stlcls.org/school/page/location
学校校历 School Calendar: https://www.stlcls.org/school/page/calendar
2023 Fall classroom assignment sorted by class
2023 Fall classroom assignment sorted by room
Floor Map with classes assigned
More questions, you may email us at stlcls@stlcls.org or text/call (text preferred) us at 3143256971
Thank you!